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2012 Round Up – The Occasional Traveller

2012 has been quite an eventful year for The Occasional Traveller – have you seen my favourite writings and trips for 2012? This was also a year with lots of press and interesting partnerships and projects in the works. Let’s take a look back…


This was something new for 2012 where I worked with a number of cool brands to review/test their products for my readers and other travellers, or just to promote a good cause. If you’re interested to work with The Occasional Traveller in any capacity, check out my advertise page and just drop me a note and I’ll get back to you if I think we’re a good fit.

Micro Scooter Luggage

My first review video, scrappy as it may be but as real as it gets for the Micro Scooter Luggage, a suitcase with a built-in scooter kindly provided by White & Black Trading that I brought to Osaka with me.


Micro Scooter Luggage


The good folk at Lomography loaned me a La Sardina camera on my trip to UAE and Munich, and it was fun taking a step back to consider photography from an analogue point of view. See how the pictures turned out!

Abu Dhabi Saadiyat Beach Club Lomo

Passports with Purpose

I took part in PwP for the first time and helped to promote a cause to build wells in Haiti. We surpassed the goal of $10,000 by hitting the $11k mark and congratulations to the winner of the prize I hosted.


Passports With Purpose

Contributions and Projects

I had articles published in lots of places other than that of – Besides being a regular contributor at Go! Girl Guides and The Sojourn Diaries (now defunct), I also had some other fun articles and projects at other sites:


The Occasional Traveller also had a number of features and mentions in international and local websites.

  • The Upcoming
  • Blogshopbuzz
  • Singapore Blog Awards 2012 – best blogshop nominee
  • Wayfare Magazine
  • Notabilia

In 2013, I can only hope to take on more fun and interesting partnerships and projects! It makes for a different perspective on travel, and perhaps a step towards making this blog self-sustaining! =)