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2012 Round Up – My favourite blog posts

I recapped all my trips in 2012 and had a ball of a time overall, now here’s a look at my favourite blog posts from this past year:


Jac in Seoul

Making my first friend overseas and bonding over touristy things

My favourite post is the one I contributed to Go Girls Guide – is your BFF your best travel buddy? It was a pretty introspective piece and made me think a little harder about the type of people that I want to travel with.


Spain Chipiona Beach Shadow

Just us two

Quite a bit of press in February, but I particularly enjoyed the Chipiona postcard that Luxury Travel Stories asked me to contribute. That memory of an evening at Playa de Regla in Southern Spain is one of my favourite travel memories ever.


Taipei 101

Bit of a quiet month overall in terms of writing, but this 48 Hours in Taipei guide written for The Sojourn Diaries is great for the weekend warrior


Malapascua Thresher Shark Diver

Thresher shark in Malapascua!

April was a month for travel where I went diving in Malapascua and decided to put my dive logs into blog posts. But my favourite post from this month would be the Go Girl Guides article about learning to deal with tiny places, and recapping some of the smallest hotel/hostel rooms I’ve been in.


Taitung Luye Gaotai Sunset

Luye Gaotai at sunset

I was busy at work with the Singapore Arts Festival underway, but the post I’m most proud of writing this month was the Taitung Lu Ye recap, just one part of an extensive travel journal recap of my Taiwan grad trip.


Singapore Arts Festival Hotel Ciudades Paralelas

Yup that’s art – a pile of sheets

Managed a short trip to Bangkok, so there are some articles on places to eat and shop at, but I was most fond of this experience at Ciudades Paralelas Hotel, an experiential art piece for the Singapore Arts Festival that explored the behind-the-scenes work in a hotel.


Career Break Packing Top View

I’m a packing disaster

Here’s an article that I loved writing about what NOT to pack on your next holiday, because we’ve all been guilty of carrying useless stuff around.


Japan Osaka Umeda Tower Looking Up

Looking up at Umeda Sky Tower

August is this blog’s birthday month and one busy with recapping my trip in July to Kansai and the Osaka region, as well as a scuba diving trip to the wrecks in Tioman.


I really liked writing this article about finding the time to travel and making it a priority for those who really want to travel. It basically encompasses my travel philosophy and the purpose of this blog all in one.


Maple Leaves of Osaka

October was extremely busy, but also where another column arose called Wallpaper Wanderer where I featured desktop wallpapers and pictures that inspired other people to travel.


Manado Diving Turtle Up

Manado Diving Turtle Up

I was busy diving in Manado and taking a ton of pictures there, but this little account of me nearly getting robbed in Barcelona was a fun write.



Another quiet month because I was busy travelling in UAE and Munich, but the most interesting thing that happened was my week of tweeting at @hellofrmsg.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this past year of blogging. As usual I swear to try and blog more regularly and more frequently and more interestingly in 2013, and hope you guys will keep following =) In the meantime, why not have a look at my other Round Ups for 2012 to see how the year has been for me – check out all my trips this past year, as well as what else was going on for The Occasional Traveller.