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Wallpaper Wanderer: Mulan in Singapore

If that lovely mountain climbing shot by Yishyene in the last Wallpaper Wanderer didn’t inspire you, perhaps you might be more inclined towards this particular shot by Judi of Travvelsized – I first came across her post on Singapore’s kopi (that’s coffee for everyone else) drinking culture on Epicure & Culture and found other great Singapore-related articles on her blog in her short stint studying here.

Mulan statue in Chinese Gardens

Judi Zienchuk:

Chinese Gardens, Singapore

Although Singapore is known for its metropolitan attractions, it’s also home to some amazing parks and gardens. I love being able to dig around and find the different layers of a destination’s “personality” and these tranquil gardens are a great place for an afternoon picnic. The statue of Mulan also brought me back to my Disney movie-watching days, adding to the carefree vibe. For me, travelling is all about the thrill of being able to experience something completely new and distinct and these gardens were decidedly able to help me accomplish this.

I’ve lived in Singapore all my life and sad to say, I never even knew this statue of Mulan existed! I don’t even have any memories of visiting the Chinese Gardens! To be fair, it’s on the far western end of Singapore and not my ‘hood, but given it takes about half an hour to get across Singapore by car, that really isn’t much of an excuse, is it? Stories like this give me impetus to want to get to know my hometown better, and you can see some unusual sides of Singapore on this page where I’ll record my own explorations.

Missed the past Wallpaper Wanderers? Check them out here. Or see more of Singapore’s lesser known sights:


Thursday 8th of August 2013

I wonder if the Mulan statue is as huge as the photo show here or this shot was taken up close? Nonetheless, its a wonderful work of art. Its amazing to see how artists can carve up such intricate carvings just from stone. Thanks for sharing the lovely photo!


Thursday 8th of August 2013

Hi Henrieta thanks for dropping by! Quite honestly I haven't seen it for myself, but based on some pix of the net (here's one on tripadvisor) it gives you a better gauge of how big the statue really is!

I love intricate carvings, though stone statues have never quite been the same for me after watching Dr Who's 'Blink'...