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Wallpaper Wanderer – White Water Rafting in Inje-gun

I did a map design course on Skillshare back in March, and this was one of the maps highlighted by teacher Anne, who turned out to be a fellow Singaporean, woot! (we are a very small country, and very fond of being recognized as #1). Trixia here blogs over at green sea blue, but do check out her map page here. I love her ant trail map in particular!


Inje-gun, South Korea

A few years back, I went white water rafting for the first time, down this river. The water was icy and the route took us through the mountains, with trees looming on either side – it was so beautiful. This photograph inspires me to plan a trip to a place where I can be surrounded by mountains again and makes me want to revisit South Korea, of course!

This is really picturesque and I can see why it would inspire Trixia to want to go back to South Korea again! I hope her white water rafting experience was better than mine was in Ruisui, Taiwan, where it was not only hot, the river was as still as a lake and that was a rather painful experience!

Missed the past Wallpaper Wanderers? Check them out here: