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Taking a Lomography Photowalk around Downtown Singapore

Earlier in the month I decided to head on one of Lomography Singapore’s organized LomoWalks called Urban Skyfitters. I will admit that even with my La Sardina, I’m still not a very analogue photographer, give me instant images and unlimited storage any day! But this one piqued my interest as it was conducted by the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore and delved into the history and heritage of the buildings in the area, which is something I’m always keen to learn more about.

It was an incredibly hot day, and while that made for great photos, i was also reaaaaally tired and quite glad to get to the end of the walk. We walked all the way from Maxwell Market to Clifford Pier, which is about 2km in the hot sun!

We each got a Sprocket Rocket that lets you take panoramic wide shots with the old school film holes (i.e. sprockets) and a Spinner 360, where you can take a 360 (or more) view around you by pulling on a string. After teaching us the basics, we were also provided 2 rolls of film each – 1 black and white, and 1 coloured… I used my BnW on the Sprocket Rocket and the coloured one on the spinner. I also took a bunch of photos on the iphone and instagrammed them because I couldn’t wait for my film to develop, so you’ll see a whole mix of photos in this photo post. For the record, having to juggle so many cameras is a bit of a pain!

I did learn a little bit about the history of some of Singapore’s buildings, and explored an area I had never really walked before. Check it out…

Pocket Rockets and Spinner 360s

Instagram: Spinners on top, Sprocket Rockets below, Cameras all ready!

Sprocket Rocket

Sprocket Rocket: Testing it out – the URA Centre sign along Maxwell Road

Sprocket Rocket

Sprocket Rocket: The dragons of Thian Hock Keng Temple, directly opposite the Hokkien Huay Kuan. In the past before Singapore reclaimed all its land, this temple used to face the sea!


Instagram: The word for ‘Bat’ in Chinese is a homonym with the word for ‘Luck’ (Fu), and apparently bats are very common (and welcome) in Chinese temples.

Spinner 360

Spinner: This is a vertical 360 shot that captures the floor and decorated roof. I wasn’t very good with the spinner so it’s a little hard to tell…

Sprocket Rocket

Sprocket Rocket: This is an Indian temple called Nagore Durgha and apparently a replica of a similar looking building in India

Sprocket Rocket

Sprocket Rocket: I just liked the look of this old, old, wall


iPhone: onward!


iPhone: The actual clan house of the Ying Fo Fui Kun, the Hakka association responsible for the Shuang Long Shan cemetery that I posted about previously


Instagram: I just thought this lion looked very little and kinda sad

Spinner 360

Spinner: Trying again for a vertical shot of the tall buildings in the central business district

Sprocket Rocket

Sprocket Rocket: I really like sky shots, even if they are in Black and White

Sprocket Rocket

Sprocket Rocket: The Singapore River! Doesn’t this make you feel nostalgic?

Sprocket Rocket

Sprocket Rocket: UOB tower and someone getting a shot of me

Spinner 360

Spinner: Selfie by the Singapore River!


iPhone: Are we there yet? Cavenagh Bridge is one of the oldest in Singapore!

Spinner 360

Spinner: Group shot!


Saturday 8th of October 2016

that actually sounds like a fun activity. do you know if they are still organizing this and if they have a website i can check out?

Jaclynn Seah

Saturday 8th of October 2016

The lomography singapore FB page is here - probably will be good to check with them if they still organize these things from time to time... if not I think there are quite a few Singapore instagram groups that organise Instagram outings - check out names like InstaSG and ExploreSG for starters!