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The neverending Torii of Fushimi Inari

After an afternoon in Arashiyama, we didn’t have much time to visit many other places as most of the stuff in Japan closes at 4-5pm, even in the summer. We headed off to Fushimi, a ward in Kyoto that is home to the famous Fushimi Inari Taisho temple complex with its picturesque rows of Torii Gates and most importantly, not have a closing time.

Japan Fushimi Inari Torii Me

Taking a stroll


What is a Torii?

A Torii is basically a gateway that you usually see marking the entrance of a Shinto temple in Japan – more on wikipedia. They are usually bright vermillon/orange in colour and look a lot like the Kanji character for ‘door’.

Japan Fushimi Inari Torii Entrance

Right at the entrance

Inari is one of the gods of the Shinto religion – the patron of rice and business and is worshiped by merchants and businessmen for wealth. Each of the Torii at Fushimi Inari is donated by a company and is replaced every ten years, though we did spot Torii that were looking a little worse for wear and others that had been removed from their spots.

Japan Fushimi Inari Torii Name Date

Company name on the left, date placed on the right

Japan Fushimi Inari Giant Torii

Huge Torii!


The sheer number of Torii gates at Fushimi Inari Taisho has resulted in a very long winding path that snakes up the slope. The further you walk and the higher you climb, the less people you will get photobombing you. Some bits have more densely packed Torii while others were more spaced out.

Japan Fushimi Inari Map

We didn’t actually walk very far – we made it to the first toilet sign before turning back

Anyway there are just SO many torii we didn’t want to walk all that way. Also, it was starting to get a bit dark with the sun setting so we only only got a little past the first toilet sign (in the middle of the picture) before we decided to turn back. We did take a look around the place a bit more before we left.

Japan Fushimi Inari Paper Cranes

Beside the Torii, the temple itself is quite a pretty spot

Japan Fushimi Inari Fox Faces

Japan Fushimi Inari Fox Faces

Overall Fushimi Inari is a nice stopover, especially if you’re all ‘templed-out’ from the various other temples that Tokyo has to offer. The Torii gates are a sight to see and it’s quite convenient to get to, so I’m quite glad we stopped by here even though we hadn’t planned to originally.

Japan Fushimi Inari Fox Face Snack

Japan Fushimi Inari Fox Face Snack

We headed off to the Keihan line to catch a train to Gion. Most of the shops along the street were closed or closing, but we chanced along this little shop that sold traditional biscuits and bought some fortune cookies back for our colleagues. The shop lady gave us both some fox face wafer biscuits for free!


How to get to Fushimi Inari Taisho

Fushimi Inari doesn’t have a closing time or an entrance fee, but most of the shops and stuff close around the usual 5pm timing. You don’t want to get there when it’s too dark otherwise you’ll be wandering wooded pathways in the dark – ok they are lit but still it’s not great lighting for photos – and the mozzies might eat you alive.

Fushimi Inari is  a 10 minute ride (140 yen) along the JR Nara Line from Kyoto main station, and you’re right in front of the shrine once you exit the station. You can also take the Keihan Electric Railway line, which is a little bit further, about 5 mins away from the shrine. We took the Keihan line to Gion that took about 10 mins and 200 yen.

Check out my other Kansai posts, or see all my Japan posts.


Thursday 10th of October 2019

Fushimi inari is one of the most interesting kyoto shrines ... the climb with the torii is tiring but it is worth the effort ... so many people, but on working days one walks well. Not to go in the summer with the hot humid Japanese ... Fascinating to know that there are over 40 thousand Inari shrines throughout Japan and Fushimi is the origin of all.

Jaclynn Seah

Friday 11th of October 2019

Japan in the Summer heat is no joke >_<