What inspires you to wanderlust?
Is it a desktop wallpaper of a past trip photo, or an inspiring picture you keep on your fridge?
I’ve invited various people to share their inspirations with me in this column.
Check out the growing list of Wallpaper Wanderers and their inspirational pictures below!
Want to submit your own inspirational photo? Go here
See them all mapped out:
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com.sg/maps/ms?msa=0u0026amp;msid=201704660030327223750.0004d5872b4b39800fdc0u0026amp;ie=UTF8u0026amp;t=mu0026amp;source=embedu0026amp;dg=featureu0026amp;ll=42.293564,11.953125u0026amp;spn=98.14859,316.40625u0026amp;z=2u0026amp;output=embed&w=900&h=400]