Braving the scary ferry as we leave Lyudao and head to Luye in rural Taitung as just a trio.
A very early morning dip in the hot springs for sunrise, re-exploring the little island when 5 became 3, and how we made it work anyway
What do you do when you have a long transit ahead and you’re travelling by your lonesome? Some tips to get you through these long solitary journeys.
That time my travel journal with accounts of my grad trip hijinks was a part of a travelling exhibition
Also known as the worst ferry ride I’ve ever taken in my life.
That time we were in Ruisui and tried to go white water rafting in the dry season
A beautiful day trip from Hualien City to the magnificent wonders of Taroko Gorge
That time I visited Carp Lake in Hualien and ate some live jumping prawns
A rainy welcome to Taiwan’s east coast: Hualien City
Or that time I spent the whole day in Yang Ming Shan, Bei Tou and Dan Shui without knowing I had coffee all over my back