This is a pretty old event that happened back in 2007 before the notion of this blog was even conceived. I’m only blogging about it now because I realised that I never did have a chance to show most of the pictures of the actual exhibition. If you want to read about some of these stories, check out the Taiwan Tales for more.
Invitation Au Voyage was a competition organised by Moleskine and Air France to celebrate the release of their City Notebooks. I sent in a version of my Taiwan grad trip journal and was chosen as one of the top 50 notebooks, which were then toured around Asia in a little exhibition. There were several display locations when the exhibition came down to Singapore, and mine was at PageOne Vivocity. Of course I had to go check it out, and brought along that same bunch of friends who had travelled around Taiwan with me.
The books were placed in cases so you couldn’t remove them easily, and you had to wear gloves to turn the pages. P got nagged at by security for removing the book and not wearing gloves; we tried to reason that technically the book belonged to me and I allowed it, but nope, didn’t work.
Here are a couple of pages from the book – This wasn’t the original copy of the journal that came along with me on the trip because I hadn’t used a moleskine then (I used a journal that my friend KL had given to me from her jaunt in India), but a slightly more cleaned up version that I had initially created as a copy for one of my friends to keep, though I ended up keeping this for myself.

2 weeks in Taiwan all neatly planned. I spent most of my time on the east coast and less along the west and south, a journey I would repeat in future years.
My journal made it back to me after the exhibition fairly intact except for some pages which were falling out. The scans that you might see in some of the journal posts are from this book – the original journal was a bit more unwieldy for scanning.
See all the posts from my Taiwan Grad trip in 2007. I’ve been back to Taiwan a few times since and it’s one of my favourite countries – why not see all the latest Taiwan posts.